Using News and Events to Create Blog Posts

This article explains how to use the News and Events module to create blog posts that automatically feed to a specific Category page of your choosing.

Table of Contents


The News and Events folder is automatically included in your Site Directory.

Create a Post Page

  1. Select the News (Blog) folder.

  2. Select the Month that you want to hold your page.

  3. Click Add Content and select Add a New Page.

  4. Select Post as Page Type.

  5. Click Choose.

  6. Enter a Page Name, Display Name and Title. (Refer to Filenames, Titles and Display Names for more information.)

  7. Add a Summary, Keywords and Author to make your article more searchable.

  8. Choose a date for the page to be published.

  9. Select the Category. (By default, you have two categories: News and Events.)

  10. Select Yes or No to display post on the Home Page. If you select Yes, you will need to follow up with further instructions in the article How to Add News Feed to Your Home Page.)

  11. Select Post Layout:

  12. Full Width - Select if you do not want a Sidebar menu.

  13. Two Column - Select if you want a Sidebar menu.

  14. Select Yes or No to Display a Banner.

  15. Enter the Main Content.

  16. If you selected Two Column in step one, select a Type for Sidebar Row.

  17. Submit your page.

Verify Post is Feeding to Category Page

  1. Open the Category page you chose in your Post page settings. In this example, it is the News page.

  2. Your post should show at the top of the feed.

  3. Verify the Sidebar Menu, if you chose to have one.

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