Editing a YYYY Archive Page
  • Finalized
  • Editing a YYYY Archive Page

    When adding a new yearly folder, a sub-folder for every month and an archive page for the year will be included. By default the archive page will be titled “YYYY Archives” and is the index page for your yearly folder. It is recommended that you edit the name of your archive page before you start adding articles.


    1. From the Site Content menu, click on the yearly folder to expand its contents.

    2. Click on the YYYY Archives page.

    3. Click Edit.

    4. Add a new Title. Typically archive pages include the year of the yearly folder. e.g. 2024 Archives.

    5. Choose a Page Layout option.

      1. In the Banner Image group, choose a display option.

        1. If yes is selected, Choose your File and include Alternative Text.

    6. Select the Listing Style.

    7. If desired, include Intro Content. Intro Content will display under the page title and before the article list.

    8. Click Preview Draft (blue button at the top of the screen). After previewing the draft, click Submit to save these changes to the CMS.


    If a banner image is selected, the page title will appear on top of the image and the breadcrumbs will appear below the image.

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