Common Error Screen Causes and Solutions
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  • Common Error Screen Causes and Solutions

    This article discusses common error messages that occur within in Cascade and provides possible solutions to resolve those errors.

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    Required Field was Omitted

    In most cases, an error occurs because a simple field that is required was left blank. This is common particularly in large pages that contain several Content Rows to sift through.

    If your page does not Submit:

    1. Check each Content Row for a red dot.

    2. Expand the Content Row and look for a red asterisk ( * ) which indicates that it is a required field.

    3. Enter any missing data and Submit the page.

    Format Error

    This type of error typically occurs when you input your own source code. Possible errors include:

    1. The HTML syntax is incomplete, as it lacks a closing tag such as </div>. Always include a closing element, which is essential for proper code syntax and functioning.

    2. Short codes are exclusive to WordPress and are not compatible outside that environment. (Examples: [gallery] or [caption])

    3. There is a program-specific tag that is not compatible.

    Grid Builder: Rule of 3

    • If your page includes a Grid Builder content row, it is possible that one or more grid items were left out.

    • The Grid Builder requires grid items in multiples of three. Any more or less will result in errors.

    • Set the required Grid item to multiples of three.

    The Troublesome Ampersand

    One known issue in Cascade is it's trouble rendering the ampersand character.


    1. Omit the symbol and use the word “and”.

    2. If you really need to display the symbol, you can replace any stand-alone ampersand with its official HTML code:( &amp; ). Example:

    For more HTML codes for certain symbols, accented letters, etc. consult this page with all official symbol codes, so you can be sure they will show up on any display.

    False Coding

    It is possible that your text input method (for example, copying content from another program and pasting it here) is causing the page to read certain things as HTML code.

    1. In your content area, open the Advanced Editor by clicking the two brackets < > that say Source Code.

    2. Search your inputted content for these < brackets > which are used for HTML code.

    3. Look for out-of-place characters, such as colons and square brackets inside the HTML taglines.

    Missing Images

    An image that was previously included in the page could have been moved or deleted.

    • Edit the page and search for signs of missing assets.

    • Refer to How to Insert an Image to replace or reupload the image.

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