The purpose of the global navigation element is to ensure that specific content, including access to the NMSU enterprise web search and crosslinks to important NMSU system resources, the Alumni site, Apply, and Give, are available (even if collapsed) on every page within the institution's website ecosystem.
All NMSU websites must present the global navigation, exactly as it appears in the specifications found on this page. This includes matching the fonts and the exact links found within collapsed state. News/Blog sites templates do not include the global navigation and it is not required.
The global navigation height must be exactly 28 pixels
The background color of the container is #8c0b42.
Default links should be Apply, Visit, and Give. Some exceptions apply depending on organization or department.
Links should be bold, uppercase and 14pxThe color of the "University of Miami" type is #1f7c47.
The "search" expander icon is part of Font Awesome Icons
The "search" expander icon color is #00c9a7.
The horizontal rule framing the bottom of the container is white and set to 1 pixel.