  • Finalized

    WYSIWYG is an acronym for “What You See Is What You Get.” The WYSIWYG editor facilitates web page creation with formatting features you might be familiar with from word processing software.

    Table of Contents

    WYSIWYG Interface - Quick Icon Guide

    Refer to the image below for a visual representation of the WYSIWYG interface, which provides a quick icon guide to help you identify and utilize the available editing tools.

    WYSIWYG Menu Options


    • Undo: Select to revert the last action taken, allowing you to correct mistakes or changes made unintentionally.

    • Redo: Select to reinstate the previously undone action, effectively reversing an "Undo" command.

    • Cut: Click to remove the selected content from the document and temporarily store it on the clipboard for later use.

    • Copy: Click to create a duplicate of the selected content and store it on the clipboard without removing the original text.

    • Paste: Click to insert the content stored on the clipboard into the document at the current cursor location.

    • Paste as text: Select to insert the content from the clipboard as plain text, stripping any formatting, styles or special characters.

    • Select all: Select to highlight the entire content of the document, enabling you to apply formatting or actions to the whole text at once.


    • Bold/Italic/Underline: Click to apply emphasis to your text by making it bold, italicized or underlined.

    • Strikethrough: Click to cross out text to show that it's no longer relevant or has been edited.

    • Subscript: Select to display text slightly below the baseline, typically used for chemical formulas or mathematical expressions.

    • Superscript: Click to elevate text slightly above the baseline, often used for footnotes or mathematical exponents.

    • Font Color: Select to change the color of your text to enhance readability or add visual interest.

    • Background Color: Choose the background color behind your text to highlight specific sections or create visual contrast.

    Format Submenu:

    • Headings: Select to structure content with various heading levels (H1 to H6) for improved readability.

    • Inline: Click to apply "code" style to distinguish short code snippets or technical terms.

    • Blocks: Choose to organize content using predefined text blocks like paragraphs, blockquotes or code blocks.


    • Link: Click to insert an internal or external link.

    • Anchor: Select to link to a location within your document.

    • Image: Click to insert an image.

    • Media: Click to add a video (YouTube or Vimeo) to your page.

    • Special character: Click to insert an alphanumeric character.

    • Horizontal line: Click to insert a horizontal line across the width of the text frame.

    • Date/time: Click to insert the date/time in one of four format options.


    This menu option is only used when a table is created on the page.

    • Table: Insert a table with your choice of columns and rows.

    • Table properties: Click to change specific settings for the table.

    • Delete table: To delete the table, select it and click Delete table.

    • Cell: Select to change specific settings for the cell or to merge cells.

    • Row: Select to insert, delete and copy rows as well as change row properties.

    • Column: Select to insert, delete and copy columns as well as change row properties.


    • Visual aids: Toggle on and off; allows objects such as gridlines for tables to be seen in the editing window.

    • Show blocks: Toggle on and off; shows separation of objects on your page.


    • Spellcheck: Click to check your page for spelling errors.

    • Source code: Allows advanced users, who have been granted access, to edit the HTML source.

    • Fullscreen: Click to expand the editing window to fullscreen.

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