Program Info Landing pages are meant to highlight specific programs or degrees. They offer a consistent presentation option across websites in Cascade CMS.
The default Program Info Landing Page Template includes a space a full width banner image. This element can be previewed on our Demo website. The maximum height of the banner image is 425 pixels.
Page heading will be center aligned
Options program category or tag element will be center aligned.
The recommended image size is 1620x425.
View additional instructions on how to control this visual element in our knowledge base.
While editing your landing page in Cascade CMS, you can select the page options to include additional visual elements to add emphasis to important information. These page options can be turned on and off at any time. The program info landing page page options can be previewed on our demo website.
This page highlight provides a content area on grey background. This is useful for including content such as quotes from alumni, current students, or faculty.
Under the Show Highlight? option, select Yes.
The Page Highlight section appears. Add the Highlight Content.
The related programs page option utilizes a row of up to three columns in a card format to highlight related content such as other programs in your department or college. You can customize the heading for this section and add an unlimited number of cards.
Depending on the options you have selected, this will appear under the highlight on a grey background or content area and above the call-to-action banner or footer of the page.
Under the Show Related Programs? option, select Yes.
The Related Programs section appears. Add the Program Cards.
View additional instructions on how to control this element in our knowledge base.
The call-to-action highlight element should be used as a banner to highlight something important. The highlight will appear on a crimson background and will appear above the footer of the page.
Under the Show Call-to-Action? option, select Yes.
The Call-to-Action Banner group appears.
Add the Banner Content.
View additional instructions on how to control this element in our knowledge base.