This article explains types of errors that may happen during publishing or displaying the page and possible solutions.

Table of Contents

(blue star) Instructions

Cannot Publish

If you receive the message below when publishing, it means your site is not yet Live and is not able to publish content for public view. If you feel your site is ready to "go live", follow the instructions below the image and we will begin the procedures to get your site online!

  1. Navigate to the Cascade Information Page.

  2. Click Cascade Site Go-Live Request.

  3. Complete the Request Form and Submit.

New Changes are not Showing Live

Changes submitted to pages (or other assets) while logged into Cascade are saved, but are not public until you actually Publish those updates. You may be able to verify that your latest edition was saved if other users that are also logged in are able to view your latest updates, but only when you either publish that page, or the entire site, will those updates reflect on your live site.

Whether you are the only user making a small change to your home page or there are several users making changes to many assets throughout your site, Cascade must be instructed to publish those new editions whenever you are finished.  It is best practice to publish the entire web site around the end of the work day in order for the most recent changes to reflect live.

Publish your page, asset*, or entire site

Some assets (such as blocks) are not publishable individually. Instead, publish its parent folder or the entire site.

  1. Publish your current page

  2. Publish Entire Website.

Clear Cache

Publishing takes time, and not all web browsers refresh automatically when visiting a website repeatedly. Simply clicking Refresh on your default browser will not always load the freshest data.

For a better reviewing process, use an alternate internet browser that hasn't visited your site in a while, or clear your browser's cache so it will load the most recent data from the internet again.
Learn how to clear your cache depending on your browser (courtesy of The University of Iowa).

Navigation Bar lists the Wrong Page

Similarly to how one needs to publish recent updates as explained above, the navigation bar is an operative part of the website as a whole. The entirety of your website needs to be republished periodically so all of its assets (in this case, the navigation bar) can refresh online.

  1. Publish the entire Site as outlined above.

  2. If your site does NOT use the automatic top navigation setting, then the links must be manually updated.

How to Verify if Your Navigation is Automatic:

  1. Click ...More and select Show Regions.

  2. Verify that the region called TOP NAVIGATION has a format called < > top-nav-automatic.

HTTP Error 404 (Broken Link)

This means you will have to check the hyperlink in the page the broken links appear in. Likely, the source of the hyperlink has changed its webpage or document and you must insert an updated link.

Site Content Files have Different Names

To learn more about how naming conventions work, see this helpful tutorial: Filenames, Titles, and Display Names.

  1. Each user has the option to display the names of the files differently.

This is recommended to web content managers, as it is a convenient way to keep track of a files' proper URL address. Or, for example, if you need to verify if your directories have an index (a "landing" page).

Google Results are Showing an Older Page

Pages from your site that have been published on the web were also at one point “crawled” by search engines. This means their data will remain on the web until your site is crawled again.

Various search engines perform these crawls at their own time schedules and using their own methods to sort the results. It is up to your web content efforts to use the best SEO (search engine optimization) practices over time to get the best results in Google, etc. Keep content updated and relevant to search terms.

  1. Publish updated material as outlined in Publish your page, asset*, or entire site above.

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