Table of Contents
There are three listing types to choose from - image tiles, cards, or list. The main difference between the listing type options are the presentation of recent posts.
The design and layouts depicted in the template examples above include sample content and present an overview of layout ideas that are to be used as inspiration for your own web presentation needs.
The design and layouts depicted in the template examples above include sample content and present an overview of layout ideas that are to be used as inspiration for your own web presentation needs.
There are several dynamic features available so you don’t have to worry about designing your post lists. Recent posts and categories are handled dynamically.
The topmost element in the Content Area of a landing page is the Hero Visual Element.
You can edit the current Hero Visual Element, including hiding or editing by expanding the Hero Visual Element section to see what details are currently set. Look for the Hero Visual Element labels in the Content Area.
To hide the Hero Visual Element section altogether, select “No” in the Hero Visual Element: Display… section of the Content Area. |
Just below the Hero Visual Element section, you will see a Page Options section. If you can created a new page from the Add Content menu, you'll notice that some of the page options have be pre-selected. You can expand and collapse each section to view or edit the content.
To hide a Page Option section altogether, select “No” for each one. |
Each page option represents a type of content on your home page, and each can be set with unique options and styles. Browse the following types of Page Options for Home Page Templates and how to manage each.
Landing Intro - Only available on the Video Banner Homepage Template
Each home page template in Cascade CMS includes an option to include a News Block. The news block will appear above the footer on the homepage and can be turned on and off at any time.
Learn more about the News Block element.