Program Info Landing pages are meant to highlight specific programs or degrees. They offer a consistent presentation option across websites in Cascade CMS.

Table of Contents

Hero Visual Element - Banner Image

The default Program Info Landing Page Template includes a space a full width banner image. This element can be previewed on our Demo website. The maximum height of the banner image is 425 pixels.

Banner Image Specs and Recommendations

(blue star) View additional instructions on how to control this visual element.

Working with the Program Facts Block

The program information landing page template in Cascade CMS includes a Program Facts Block. The block is a sticky element that appears on the left hand side of the page.

Features of the Program Facts Block

The program facts block is built using Site Configuration Blocks. It includes:

  1. Program Facts Block Heading - Display a custom heading for the program info block.

  2. Program Details - Program details appear as two columns per row and include options for label and content. You can create an unlimited amount of program details. You can turn off program details by selecting “No.”

  3. Disclaimers - Option to include any relevant program disclaimers. This content will appear in a smaller font size between the Program Details and Program Contacts sections.

  4. Program Contacts - Program contacts display in single column row. You can create an unlimited amount of program contacts. You can turn off program contacts by selecting “No.”

How to Create/Edit the Program Facts Block

Each Cascade CMS site includes a starter Landing Page - Program Info - Sidebar available in the _Site Configuration folder. You can create as many Program Fact Blocks as you’d like.

Edit the Program Facts Block

  1. From the _Site Configuration folder, select the Landing Pate - Program Info -Sidebar block to edit.

  2. Click Edit, and make your edits.

  3. Click Preview Draft (blue button at the top of the screen). After previewing the draft, click Submit to save these changes to the CMS.

Create a Program Facts Block

  1. Look for a red plus sign in the topmost header area of the page, and click on Add Content.

  2. Inside the Add Content menu, select Add Site Configuration Builder Block from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select Program Facts Sidebar for Landing Page.

  4. Enter a Block Name. The block will automatically be placed in the _Site Configuration folder.

  5. Configure the program facts block content.

  6. Click Preview Draft (blue button at the top of the screen). After previewing the draft, click Submit to save these changes to the CMS.

add gif to include selection of block

Page Options for Program Info Landing Page

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