Make your page content interactive by including hyperlinks within them. You can choose to have a word, phrase or an image link to a website or bookmark with the Insert/edit link button.
Table of Contents
Select the desired page in the Site Content menu on the left.
In Edit mode, scroll down your page to the desired section where you will be inserting a hyperlink.
Highlight the word or words you wish to turn into a hyperlink.
Click the Insert/edit link icon in the WYSIWYG editor. The Insert link window will now open. You will have an option for either an internal link type or an external link type.
Click on Ok.
In Cascade there are two kinds of hyperlinks, Internal and External links. Internal links are used when linking to pdfs, images, pages created WITHIN Cascade CMS. External links are used when linking to pdfs, images, pages created OUTSIDE of Cascade CMS. |
To remove the link, place your cursor in the linked word or words. Click on the Remove Link icon from the WYSIWYG editor. |
To link to something outside of Cascade, highlight the text to be linked and click on the Insert/Edit Link icon.
In the Insert link window, select External as the Link Type.
Type in or paste a URL in the Link Source field, e.g., Preferably, you should be copying and pasting the URL from your browser into this field.
Click Ok.
To link an email address, highlight the address or text to be linked and click on the Insert/Edit Link icon.
In the Insert link window, select External as the Link Type.
Instead of inserting a URL in the Link Source field, type “mailto:” followed by the appropriate email address. There should be no spacing between the text, e.g.,
Theme 4v1.1 includes built in link styles that allow you to easily create buttons and an underline. Link styles can be previewed on our demo website.
To apply a link style, highlight the text to be linked and click on the Insert/Edit Link icon.
In the Insert link window, select one of the custom formats from the Styling menu.
Click Ok.
You can manually add button classes to any link using the <> source code icon. For additional details, review button styles and link styles in our documentation. |